Why We Exist

Our Mission

Our mission is to offers interactive music programs for seniors in collaboration with senior care facilities to utilize the therapeutic benefits of music.

Our Vision

Our vision is to establish an environment where seniors can benefit from the therapeutic effects of music, creating happiness for all.


Darryl Leslie, the founder of Is Everybody Happy, works alongside his wife, Helen Latrice Currie-Leslie, his supportive co-founder. Helen encouraged and backed his vision for a nonprofit that provides interactive music programs for seniors in partnership with senior care facilities, aiming to harness the therapeutic advantages of music. Darryl expresses gratitude to Latrice for helping him turn his dream and passion for assisting seniors into a tangible reality.

Why We Exist

In her youth, my grandmother Rose sang in a choir, while I spent my childhood singing in church. As my grandmother aged, she resided in a nursing facility. During my frequent visits, she would ask me to sing for her and the other residents, creating cherished memories. She eagerly anticipated my visits, enjoying the music I performed. Singing brought joy to both her and the residents, briefly setting aside their health and emotional concerns. Despite their challenges, they socialized, laughed, and found happiness in those moments.

After my grandmother's passing, I continued visiting different facilities, bringing joy to seniors. They eagerly await my visits, coming out of their rooms, engaging with others, feeling a sense of community, and experiencing genuine happiness.

While performing at different venues, memories of my grandmother often come to mind, with her ever-present big smile. She was incredibly proud of me, and after my performance, she used to turn to the audience and ask, "Is Everybody Happy?"

Darryl Leslie, Co-Founder

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